
It's all about connections:

Build a network and profit!

The value of a professional network is undeniable. Above all, a large and well-functioning network of contacts can be beneficial in a wide range of situations. Be it to get information, to get tips or to exchange experiences. Traditionally,"networking" is understood to mean building and maintaining contacts that can be beneficial to one's job and career. It is important to understand that every point of contact, no matter how small, can have a big impact.

Whether through research or word-of-mouth, who you know, or rather who knows this contact, is crucial for performance and professional success. In order to put the plan of the expanded network into action, questions first arise that must be answered specifically:

- What do you want to achieve by building a network?

- Which valuable contacts already exist and how can you expand them?

- Which new contacts would be valuable in addition and how do you get to them?

- How do you draw attention to yourself?

Quality not quantity: the golden rule of networking

As with many valuable aspects in life, there is a golden rule when building a network that says: quality is more important than quantity. This means that even the largest network is of no use if it does not contain the right contacts. Especially if you want to build your own network, it is beneficial to surround yourself with people of the same mindset and goals. This creates the base of the network and brings attention within like-minded people. Talentic also stands on this basis. In the course of all processes, we jointly aim to make our slogan "excellent employees on point" come true. This creates a mutually supportive corporate culture in which the viewpoint of the other is easier to understand and the spirit of achieving something together is created.

Network across the globe

Opportunities for contact and networking

There are numerous opportunities to make these contacts, such as having lunch together with colleagues from outside one's own department. In our case, being a guest in the meetings of the other departments to give impulses or simply to listen in and receive input. A team-strengthening and at the same time network-building action is shown by our incentives, where the entire Talentic team can network with each other face-to-face and create new impressions through exchange. Such measures for companies are also shown within the formation of a team sport or events such as Christmas parties or barbecue evenings.

Structuring and planning of the network development

When planning a network, it is also helpful to create a networking folder as a first step, in which impressions, topics of conversation, initial ideas and how you made or deepened contact are noted. Based on this, it is easier to work in a structured way. Contacting people in higher positions is then the second step, because they are already where you want to be. These people act as role models and mentors from whose experience can be learned. If the network is intended to bring corporate rather than personal benefits, social media offers an excellent playground.

Using company accounts such as our LinkedIn(Talentic GmbH) or Instagram (@talentic_talentmarketing), we network both with potential candidates who show interest in Talentic and with up-and-coming companies who share our mindset and way of working . Once one of these essential contacts has been made, it is now time to nurture it. This can be done through energetic interactions on said social media platforms, attending conferences together, and referrals through your circle of acquaintances. Within this, it is also not too far to implement oneself on an international level with the ideas and opinions of others and to share these if necessary in order to position oneself more broadly.

It's also helpful to have a period abroad within your resume, as is evident with many of the Talentic team, which starts with meeting people from other cultures and has a long-term impact by cultivating various contacts from around the world.

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Patience and tips for successfully building a network

In addition to the rule of expanding one's network qualitatively rather than quantitatively, there is also the calculation according to Sansone, which states that 70% of the time should be used to give a supporting function, 20% should be used as self-presentation and 10% to call on others for help. Thus, at each stage, contacts are made that lead to success. If you take these tips to heart and, above all, have patience , you should succeed in building an extensive network of high-quality contacts.


Building a network: Start small (
Networking - On the enormous importance of an international network (
Success on the job: How to create a network that benefits you (
Business networking: 7 tips on how to network successfully (
Easily build contacts and relationships: 7 tips on how to network properly (
