Home Office

Work-life balance in the home office

5 tips on how you can do it too!

Work-life balance. By now, everyone knows what to do with the term. But how do you successfully implement this plan in times of the increasingly frequent home office? With targeted measures, you too can create a perfect work-life balance within your own four walls?

5 tips for the perfect work-life balance

We present you 5 tips that can significantly improve your work-life balance and strengthen your focus.

1. separate private and professional matters

Set a clear boundary. Often easier said than done, because the spatial spread of the home workplace means that there is a piece of work in every place. You should avoid this by setting up a consistent division of the workplace and private area. Often it is enough to limit yourself exclusively to the desk or to store them in drawers after work is done. If you have the possibility to adjust the color of your lighting, use the typical white light (as known from the office) for your working hours and then change the color to a "feel-good" color, such as orange.

2. set clear goals

Working in a home office requires a high degree of self-organization. A structured work plan and consistent discipline are particularly important. To make this easier for you, you should set yourself weekly and daily goals. Ask yourself the question: What do I have to do today? Prioritize your tasks so that even on less productive days you don't lose focus and know exactly what you need to get done. A free tool for prioritizing and collecting tasks is "Notion". It's incredibly handy with lots of features. Clearly our insider tip for productive work.

Woman plans her next tasks in a notebook
To work productively, it helps to write down tasks, prioritize them, and set goals.

3. work in fixed work blocks

Create a time management system that suits you. The good thing about the home office is - you can often decide when you work. However, this often leads to extremes. On the one hand, there is the lack of discipline due to the comfort of being at home , on the other hand, there is the overwork. Therefore, it is generally recommended to transfer your working hours from the office to home in order to stay balanced and structured. So if you worked in the office from 8 am to 5 pm, you should do the same in the home office and not start at 11 because you could "sleep in".

Just like concentrated work, taking breaks is important. Breaks serve to clear your head even in the home office. At home, you have the opportunity to do your favorite activities during your break. Whether it's going for a walk, cooking, hanging up laundry, or even having a meal together on the couch with your family (if they're also in the home office).

To increase productivity at home, more and more working time techniques are being developed, such as the Pomodoro technique, in which 25 minutes of concentrated work are followed by a 5-minute break. After 3-4 such cycles, there is a longer break of 30 min. Effectively, you have thus worked with 4 cycles a total of 1h 40 concentrated and made 20 min break. For people who can not concentrate for a long time, this technique can be enormously helpful to maintain productivity over a longer period.

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4. stay in touch with your team

Communication and team spirit. A major disadvantage of the home office is communication within the team. The daily small talk and in-depth conversations among each other are eliminated, as well as the possible missing of the transmission of important content. Therefore, you should make sure that your colleagues or co-workers know when and under which channels you are available. Often, chat-based programs like SLACK or MS Teams can help. And if you get stuck, just call one of your teammates and ask for help. In the home office, the rule is: "If you would do it the same way in the office, you can do it the same way in the home office". So don't be afraid to talk to colleagues about topics outside of work.

5. Take advantage of the freedoms of working in a home office

Various measures can be taken to bring the "life" aspect (in work-life balance) to the fore. On the one hand, physical exercise plays a major role in creating variety . Some people go to the gym, others thrive on home workouts. Do what you think is best for you to relieve daily work stress and keep moving. It's easy to underestimate the lack of movement in a home office because you don't have to drive to work or back home. So make a conscious effort to move more to avoid long-term health problems or weight issues from lack of exercise.

In addition, you should take time to concentrate on activities with friends and acquaintances and not just let these relationships run on the side. Otherwise you run the risk that your home will eventually feel like your workplace if you only work and sleep there. Invite friends over, relax, move around, and take advantage of all the freedom that working from home gives you. Use the time wisely that you save by not having to travel.


How to Succeed at Work-Life Balance (lwlcom.net)
5Steps to Your Home Office Work-Life Balance (seizetheday.de)
Home Office Tips: Rules for Work-Live Balance (mydays.com)
9Tips for a Successful Workday at the Home Office (foodspring. com) (foodspring.com)

