HR General

Remote work to Corona:

What keeps companies from returning to "normalcy"

Working from the comfort of one's home makes one's daily routine easier in many respects and reduces the amount of time spent considerably. However, as a result of the slow respite within the pandemic, more and more companies are deciding to resume the regular workday and create structures in a regulated environment. But what does it mean for companies that have not yet dared to take this step or even considered this "normal" and thus position themselves as remote companies on the market?

Remote work and remote work work work!

That's exactly how we see Talentic. With the advancement of technology, the way we work has changed rapidly. Video conferencing, screen sharing, intranets and chat apps make it possible for us to collaborate across time zones from home, cafes or co-working spaces. Emerging from studies is that working in an environment where you feel comfortable leads to better results, higher productivity and greater job satisfaction due to the "comfort factor."

The structure of a company that follows a remote-first approach consists of a network of self-organizing teams and is dominated by exceptionally flat hierarchies. Google's thesis is that the best investment is to understand your employees and find out what motivates them. Remote-first companies can only function if employees freely choose where they work, if managers see themselves as advisors and supporters of their employees, and if they delegate responsibility and decision-making powers.

With system to more satisfied employees

Corporate culture promotes employee engagement, satisfaction and productivity . Without shared office space, virtual teams need targeted activities to build relationships with each other. A combination of core work hours, such as our weekly departmental weekly, and flexible work schedules play a role. Furthermore, there is the opportunity to learn more about each other through "virtual coffees" already established in our companies and to grow together through commonalities. Above all, to facilitate the start in a remote company and to gain a preview of the learning process, the concept of the "buddy" serves to grow both on an individual level as well as within the team and the company and is thus the solution to questions of an informal nature, in which long-term Talentics employees support the onboarding process of newcomers by sharing experiences and knowledge.

Advantages for employees and employers

There is a lot to be said for establishing a remote company, especially from a monetary perspective. Both the employer and the employee benefit from the circumstances. Among other things, the employee enjoys the privilege of combining his or her home with work, creating a better opportunity to achieve a work-life balance to create. Likewise, he or she saves a considerable amount of time by eliminating commutes and, as a result, money. Preparing healthy meals or exercising thus becomes the norm. The net gain created is therefore a healthier, less stressed and more motivated employee.

If remote work interests you, discover the benefits at Talentic

With us everyone works remotely

From anywhere - anytime!

By eliminating fixed locations, this concept offers the employer to save his budget. Rental costs, furniture, electricity, heating, air conditioning and water can be saved. Equally, and of greater importance, is the versatility of the team created. One part of the Talentic team is located in Germany, while the other part is multilingual in England, Spain and Austria. Looking back, tools such as our video telephony via Microsoft Teams, chats, active social networks such as our LinkedIn profile, and a collaborative intranet are essential for sharing information and working together.

Remote work requires self-discipline, a regular schedule and a sense of responsibility to get the job done in a focused manner. However, it can be immensely beneficial for both sides (employee + employer).


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