Remote Work

Remote Work

What opportunities does it offer in recruiting?

As digitization continues, more and more opportunities are opening up to make working life more effective and to drive this dynamic forward through intelligent innovations. In particular, the challenges posed by the pandemic show how the way we work can evolve and the opportunities this presents. In this article we would like to show you the different aspects of remote work in recruiting and which measures can be beneficial for you as well as for companies.

The advantages for companies:

In the current situation, companies have had to choose between home office and return to normal. When you choose remote work, new opportunities open up in recruiting that can increase efficiency and save time. When hiring remote work employees, you compete with companies from all over the world. A good image as an employer will help you attract and retain qualified employees. Because face-to-face interactions may be limited due to distance, companies in the "war of talent" need to adapt their processes. Instead of being able to physically engage with job applicants, they need to focus on other strengths. In addition, employers must be aware that applicants rely on finding out about your company online, so it is important to be present on social media platforms as well.

Talent Acquisition in Focus:

Talent Acquisition focuses on attracting talent. This requires long-term planning, various concepts and more comprehensive measures to find highly qualified individuals with specific skills. Similarly, physical contacts are not necessary here. Recruiters can use cost-effective digital tools to search for potential candidates in the shortest possible time. Thus, application processes are completely digital and offer freedom to freely design the candidate journey. Tools such as SparkHire or HireVue can also greatly simplify the digital application process.

Remote Onboarding:

Once the application process is complete, it is equally important to consider remote onboarding. This allows the new employee to be systematically introduced and trained. By using video conferencing and tools such as TeamViewer, these workflows can be taught in a timely and clear manner. Ideas for remote teamwork activities are needed to keep teams together even when they are physically distant. After all, communication works differently when people only communicate with each other via chats and phone calls. "Virtual coffee breaks" or the "shared office" can help develop a sense of cohesion.

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Advantages for applicants:

Remote work offers applicants the advantage that they do not have to travel long distances to work and thus have more time available. This enables them to deal intensively with individual tasks and deliver better results. When dealing with online job interviews, applicants are mainly targeted who are agile, cross-industry and can quickly find their way in the digital world. Spontaneity and creativity are in demand here.


Remote work offers various opportunities for companies in recruiting. With global competition, they can attract and retain qualified employees by building a positive image as an employer and presenting themselves online. Talent Acquisition focuses on long-term planning and search for highly qualified individuals. Using tools and support mechanisms can make the application process more efficient. In remote onboarding, video conferencing and TeamViewer can help systematically introduce new employees. For applicants, remote work offers the advantage of a better work-life balance and more flexibility in the job search.


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